Student Spotlight: Inspiring Journeys

Exploring the Remarkable Stories of Our Kings and Queens in Hebron

Hanniel Amao

Chemical Engineering, 400 Level

The Core Values Have Played a Significant Role in Shaping Me

 I was initially hesitant about choosing Covenant University because of its reputation for strict discipline, and I had little knowledge about the institution. However, I ultimately decided to attend because I saw it as an opportunity for growth and transformation, especially after hearing about the “Total Man Concept” and entrepreneurial studies offered at the university.

The big picture for me has always revolved around personal growth, making a positive impact in my community, and fulfilling my potential. Consequently, my experiences at Covenant University taught me to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and to develop a passion for service and leadership.

I believe that God has shown me the importance of using my talents and abilities to serve others and make a difference in the world. Therefore, my life’s purpose is to continue striving for excellence, learning from each experience, and ultimately contributing to the betterment of society in alignment with God’s plan for my life. God has started making this evident in my life as He led me to be the Founder of Eagle’s Tour Guide and a show called “Eagle’s Insight.” Eagle’s Tour Guide is a community of students who organize tours at Covenant University for the external context, including aspiring students. We have been privileged to host a few tours last year and, very soon, we will be hosting some during the CUSAS screening process.

Since becoming a student at Covenant University, I’ve been deeply influenced by its core values. The emphasis on spirituality, possibility mentality, integrity, capacity building, responsibility, diligence, and sacrifice has shaped my character and guided my approach to life. Consequently, these values inspire me to pursue excellence, embrace challenges, uphold honesty and ethics, contribute positively to society, continuously learn and grow, and make sacrifices in service to others. Overall, Covenant University’s core values have played a significant role in shaping me into a responsible, ethical, and purpose-driven individual.

Moreover, the events! Covenant University knows how to go big with its events! From praise revivals to thrilling sports competitions, career fairs, trade fairs, CIMUN (Covenant University Model United Nations), and the excitement of College Week, there’s always something grand happening on campus in the second semester. It’s a continuous celebration of talent, diversity, and achievement that energizes the entire university community.


In conclusion, come with an open mind and a positive mindset. Covenant University has the potential to transform you in ways you never imagined. Embrace opportunities for growth, get involved in campus activities, and surround yourself with people who inspire you. Your initial perception will shape your experience, so approach it with optimism and readiness to be transformed.

Your journey to leadership begins at Covenant!

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