Would it be worth it?

Through the Eyes of a Covenant University Student

While filling out my application form for Covenant University, I was a bit sceptical. I had heard stories from my mates and seniors in secondary school, “Covenant University is a ‘glorified secondary school,’ and you would not be allowed to use phones, and so on.” All these were enough to abate my dream of applying to a world-class University. My course was to be a four years course. 

I decided to ask myself a few questions:

  • Four years with no phone, yet graduating as part of the most employable youths in Nigeria, would it be worth it?
  • Four years of abiding by rules that have birthed a whole community of high-flying alumni, would it be worth it?
  • Four years of attending a University that offers holistic education and leadership training, would I throw it out the window?

I had my answer. There was so much to gain. I filled in my application and sat for the CUSAS examination and interview. It was a day of celebration in my home when I received my admission offer. 

Resuming on the first day of school, the thrill and excitement in the air were enough to bring smiles to my face. It was really happening. I would one day be an eagle.

My journey through Covenant University, however, has not been entirely easy. I have cried on a few occasions, and almost given up but you know what kept me going? God’s grace.

Covenant University is known to have and portray Seven Core Values.

  • S= Spirituality
  • I=Integrity
  • M= Possibility Mentality
  • C=Capacity Building
  • R=Responsibility
  • D=Diligence
  • S=Sacrifice

Spirituality is one of the first things I learnt as a student at Covenant University. The God factor is imperative. Spirituality, being one of the Core Values of Covenant University, was instilled into our hearts at every Chapel service. Those values have impacted my life and the lives of so many other students and graduates. Understanding that God’s favour is important in every aspect of your life is one of the keys to success.

Integrity: being truthful and honest is another key value that has kept me going. It would be worse, to lie and get caught than to be truthful.

Possibility Mentality: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”, is a mantra I developed at Covenant University. In times of difficult situations, or challenges, I can do it. Sometimes, I would curl up in my bed and wonder who sent me to take on a particular challenge. However, being surrounded by like-minded individuals who have zeal, would be enough to get me going.

Capacity building: There are so many milestones I have attained while in school. Covenant University offers a wide range of opportunities, available to students who are willing to grow. The Hebron Start-up lab for example or the Hult Prize competition, taking up a leadership position. All these are ways to build one’s capacity in preparation for a world of challenges outside school.

Diligence: Success and laziness are two words in different worlds. Diligence, on the other hand, is a recipe for success. One has to work hard and smart to achieve excellence. 

Sacrifice: Sacrifice is the ultimate price for outstanding leadership. It is the quality of sacrifice that defines great leadership. As a CU student, you’ll have to go the extra mile and pay the extra price in the attainment of your set goals. Raising an altar of sacrifice in pursuit of your dreams is what must distinguish and define you as a Covenant University student.

These Seven core values are essential and have trained many youths through decades at Covenant University, I am inclusive.

Therefore, if you are like me who once upon a time, was unsure of my choice to study at Covenant University. I would speak out of the experience. I have been there, tested the waters and am waiting to soar. It would be an honour to have you become part of the team of Eagles someday.

Written by Opara Kelechi Benita M. (MSc 1, Architecture)

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