Student Spotlight: Inspiring Journeys

Exploring the Remarkable Stories of Our Kings and Queens in Hebron

Benita-Maria Opara

Architecture, MSc. 1

Covenant University Stretched Me

I have always been someone with big dreams and aspirations. I wasn’t certain of my university choice until my final year in High School. My parents and I had one goal in mind, that I get the best education possible. That was when we discovered Covenant University, the No. 1 University in Nigeria. What better way to achieve that goal than to gain admission into this prestigious university.

Studying Architecture has moulded me and helped me build capacity in all ramifications. The Architect in a design team is to be the design lead. The Architect, therefore, needs to be knowledgeable about all aspects of design and construction. These processes have uniquely shaped my paradigms of life to know a little about every aspect of my life. It’s been an amazing ride. One filled with challenges as well and shared victories.

I enjoyed the shared studio time in Architecture. I enjoyed being part of the student body of my department from my 300 level till date (MSc. 1), serving in different capacities. I enjoyed the chapel services. It was and still is a safe haven to pour out my heart to God and hear Him speak. I loved the conferences hosted by the student council to develop students in different aspects of life. I enjoyed ministering alongside the Choir, till date. I enjoyed meeting new people during conferences and making genuine connections and relationships. Covenant University is a community and only those who understand this will harness the opportunities that this community provides.


It was on the grounds of Covenant University that I heard God speak to me clearly concerning my purpose. I have had instant answers to prayers. I have experienced God in the stillness of nature. It’s been a thrilling and exciting experience. I’ve always been a hard worker, but Covenant University stretched me to become more hardworking. The Total Man Concept (TMC) as well as the Diploma in Leadership Development (DLD) really trained me into understanding that everyone can be a leader. Leaders aren’t born, they are made. Any child can be trained into becoming a great leader. The mindset of such individuals have to change firstly.

Dear Prospective student, the choice you have made to become a student at Covenant University is one you won’t regret. I advise you to pay rapt attention to develop genuine relationships. Pay attention to your academics. Invest in skill acquisition and knowledge of entrepreneurship or whatever career path drives you mostly. Have a goal every semester. Develop your Triune nature (your body, your spirit and your soul). Read books on finance and practice what you have read or have been taught. Listen to audios and sermons to nourish your spirit. Eat right. Fruits are your best friends and don’t forget to practice time blocking (it’d help you manage your time wisely).


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