Student Spotlight: Inspiring Journeys

Exploring the Remarkable Stories of Our Kings and Queens in Hebron

Praise Adegoke-Dada

Mass Communication, 400 Level

I Am First A Royalty, Then An Eagle

Edited by: Titilayo Afe | Published June, 2024

At first, Covenant University was not in my plans. At one point in my life, I assumed I would end up in another university because I was formerly a science student who wanted to study Dentistry. By the time I switched to Art class, the choice of my course of study changed. One thing led to another, and I decided and informed my parents that I wanted to study Mass Communication.

Telling my parents I wanted to study Mass Communication was a big step for me because, I had asked them if I could study Theater Arts, Law, English and Foreign Languages at different times and they didn’t approve. I didn’t want to be seen as a child who didn’t know what she wanted to do with the next phase of her life.

Fast track to the point where I had to choose the university of my choice, it was not like I had a say in what my parents decided at that time. So, I ended up picking Covenant University by my parents’ choice. I knew nothing about the school then, so I started doing my research and watched YouTube videos of a CU student, and I was gradually loving the school.

Resuming at CU, she was already in her final year but I met her a couple of times because I was a huge fan of her and she always posted quality content. That was how my journey at Covenant University started.


As a Covenant University student, you are first regarded as Royalty then as an Eagle, upon graduation, which informs why we are called, ‘Kings and Queens.’

Royalties are NOT mediocre. We take charge. It is a value we are meant to possess. An Eagle on the other hand is a fearless bird. It is rare and referred to as the “King of birds.” An Eagle takes its battle to its territory so it can not only triumph but take dominance even when and if it is afraid. This is to tell you that Covenant University students lead everywhere we go. . I had to take my spiritual life more seriously here. Everywhere you go to in CU, you’d meet at least one person praying and I am super grateful I got and learnt to take my Christian journey seriously than when I was in high school.

I am a member of many extra-curricular clubs and associations and in this situation, one can assume that my academics would suffer for it but contrary is the case. I believe I have been able to handle all areas of my life with each aspect positively influencing the other. Whatever I learn from class helps my activities and vice versa. I can say I have successfully been able to build enough capacity to handle them all. Even in my personal life, I have learned not to be in doubt of anything because anything is possible with possibility mentality and sacrifice.

The best way to describe my experience is FUN! My department is one that is always up to something. We are basically the life of the party in a school sense though. My lecturers are most approachable, and easy to relate with; some of them were members of the pioneer set of students here at Covenant. I have a lot of testimonies coming here but the one good word to describe how I feel right now knowing God has been faithful is ‘Erimiponinuoluwa‘ meaning I have a lot of testimonies in the Lord.

Here are some tips to help you in your journey at Covenant:

  • Be open-minded.
  • Always ask questions.
  • Learn to be economical, not frugal.
  • Make quality friends, have fun, and be serious.
  • Have a good balance mix of work and fun.
  • Connect and network. It comes in handy always.
  • Be respectful and polite.
  • It can be frustrating, stressful, fun, exciting and everything in between but best believe, you will be fine.
  • Know God for yourself.
  • Eat good food

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